Borrowing and returning for Students
1. Students will present their school ID at the reader’s desk assistance
2. They will log-in their name, grade section and teacher prior to library use.
3. They will search and select the reading books of their interest.
4. They will fill-up the form to determine the library services that they need.
5. They must read and always observe silence in the reading area.
6. They shall get and return the book card in the book pocket.
7. They shall return the borrow book in the proper place.
Borrowing and Returning for Faculty and Staff
1. Faculty and staff of BCIHS are entitled to borrow books and other instructional materials.
2. They may get books and other reading materials upon signing the book card of the material and leaving it to the librarian.
3. General references shall be read only in the library.
4. Reference books and textbooks with limited copies shall be lent and read only in the library. However, they can be taken out during weekends and returned on school days.
5. All books and other instructional materials borrowed from the library shall be returned or renewed before the end of every school year.
6. Lost or damaged library materials borrowed shall be settle first before borrowed again or may be replaced the lost books with same author and title and arrange it through mutual agreement.