1. Technical Services
The school librarian is responsible in accepting the books which are either donated or acquired by the school. They also do the acquisition process, organization (bibliographic control), physical processing, and maintenance of library collections.
2. Reference Services
The school librarian is assigned in the reference section of a library to meet the information needs of patrons (in person, by telephone, or via e-mail), including but not limited to answering substantive questions, instructing users in the selection and use of appropriate tools and techniques for finding information, assisting in the evaluation of information, referring patrons to resources outside the library when appropriate, keeping reference statistics, and participating in the development of the reference collection.
3. Readers/ Circulation Services
Circulation is a library term that means checking out library materials to users. It is used to designate the service desk where you check out and return materials. It is the service that can be find out what are the most useful reading materials through the statistical report.
4. Vertical File Services
In these services, the school librarian compiles the files vertically according to topics and arranges them alphabetically. He/ she caters on students who need some additional resources for their research paper. These resources are stored in steel cabinets that can be borrowed by the students using their school ID.
5. Current Issues Awareness / Bulletin Board Services
This bulletin board contains postings of the current issues in and out of the school. This aims to update the library users’ awareness on the latest happenings of the school campus and other promotional activities made periodically. Additional information is library post an announcement of acquisition.
6. Computer Services
The information technology and communication services allow the students to use the computer to do their research regarding their classroom assignment and projects.
7. Library Activities /Program Services
a. Instructional program is designed to teach library users how to locate the information they need quickly and effectively. School librarian coordinates with the faculty members to promote effective use of the school library media center. Library instruction, also called bibliographic instruction (BI), user education and library orientation, consists of "instructional programs designed to teach library users how to locate the information quickly and effectively.
b. Division Partnership Program
The school librarian coordinates with the Division Library Hub headed by Ms. Michelle Villena, RL. In this program, the school librarian coordinates with the English teachers to successfully carry out the objectives of the program. Students may borrow books and read them at home. Students are given extra tasks like book reports to promote intensive reading among the students. The School Division of Batangas City Library Hub provide the books to the library for a month.
c. National Book Week Celebration is an annual local and national school event held in November. In this month-long celebration, librarians, book sellers, publishers, and educators come together to hold and schedule e-book exhibits, read-a-thons, story hours, contests, book displays and other related activities to stimulate interest in books and reading.
d. Book Donation Campaign is a strategy applied by the school librarian to gather and collect new library resources for library users. The school librarian communicates with the school principal and seeks his/her approval for the launching and promotion of this endeavor. This is usually done during the national book week celebration. The donors are the alumni, private individual, students, and teacher who are willing to donate and share their books.
e. Library Book Lovers Club is a student’s organization who is willing to help of the library activities. The students are elected by the formal election attended by the presidents of each grade level.