
BCIHS Library uses the Dewey Decimal Classification to organize and access the library collection. The most common way in cataloguing and classifying library materials is the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Melvil Dewey devised in ten (10) main classes, using a notation of groups. These ten main classes are divided into ten subclasses and ten subclasses are divided into ten, thus it is called the DDC System.
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
001- 099 General Works
100 -199 Psychology/ Philosophy
200 - 299 Religion
300 - 399 Social Science, Government, Customs
400 - 499 Languages
500 - 599 Natural Sciences
600 - 699 Applied Science
700 - 799 Fines and Decorative Arts
800 - 899 Literature
900 - 999 History, Travel, Biography
Here are the following library resources:
A. Print
Broadly, books can be categorized in the following manner:
1. General book - subject matter is discussed in a general manner
2. Textbook - book of instructions developed for the students of a particular level course
3. Reference Book - designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover-to-cover (ex. almanacs, atlases, dictionaries, encyclopaedias)
4. Research Collection - comprehensive files to support specialized research in an academic discipline or field
5. Circulation Collection - consisting of books which are written in western or oriental languages
6. Filipiñiana Collection - books about the Philippine history and culture, political science, literature, and subjects other than pure sciences ; publications written by Filipino authors, published both in the Philippines and abroad, books by foreign authors but treating solely about the Philippines
7. Vertical File Materials- compiled newspaper clippings according to topics and arranged alphabetically
8. Periodicals Collection - containing articles, stories, or other short works usually written by different contributors
(ex. newspapers, newsletters, magazines, and journals)
B. Non-Print
1. Maps, Atlas, Globes and Charts
C. Electronic Materials
The school library provides some offline searchable resources store in the computer:
1. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite - encyclopedia-based published by Encyclopedia Britannica
2. Microsoft Entrata - digital multimedia encyclopaedia published by Microsoft Corporation from 1993 to 2009