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What are the library projects, programs and activities of the library? 

1. Library Orientation for Grade 7
2. Reading program with SDO Library Hub
3. LIS (Library and Information Services) Month Celebration 
4. Book Donations 
5. Book Club 


What are the library resources available?

Library resources such as: 
1. Print - books, newspapers. vertical files and researches 
2. Non Print - maps, globes, online resources 


What are the library resources available during COVID 19 Pandemic? 

Library resources available are eBooks, eMagazines and eJournals. 


What are the requirements to avail library services? 

Always present your school ID and fill-out the library forms.  


How can students borrow library resources? 

Students go to the library physically with their school ID. They look for the library staff to request a book. 
Students can also chat the library staff and request for online resources or online assistance. 


How can students contact us? 

You may email us or connect with us through our Facebook group. 

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